Sunday, 29 March 2009

English 4


  1. aiya, ah sue ah yi dunno how to read chinese, so dunno if the translation is correct or not.

    but here are some corrections:
    1) I "went" to the zoo...
    2) There are many animals at the zoo, such as giraffes... (all the animals need to have an 's' at the end: monkeys, camels, lions etc)
    3) "My sister likes..." <-- how come from brother became sister???
    4) We left the zoo in the afternoon

  2. My elder brother brought my younger brother to zoo.

    There are many animals at the zoo, such as giraffes, elephants, rhinoceros, monkeys, camels and crocodiles.

    My younger brother likes the tigers and lions the most.

    They left the zoo in the afternoon.

    (1)why brother, sister... all in the mess
    (2)write properly and take it seriously

    kai kai wants to see your next essay today...
